/*-- ------------------------------------------------------ oxsolution JAVASCRIPT functions http://www.oxsolution.com ------------------------------------------------------ --*/ function _touch() { var c = arguments.callee; if (!(this instanceof c)) return new c(); this.START_POS = null; } _touch.prototype.start = function(e) { if (this.START_POS == null) { var touches = e.changedTouches; //À©µµ¿ì µð¹ÙÀ̽º´Â °í·ÁÇÏÁö ¾ÊÀ½ if (touches.length) { this.START_POS = [touches[0].pageX,touches[0].pageY]; return true; } } this.START_POS = null; return false; } _touch.prototype.end = function(e) { var xy = [0,0]; if (this.START_POS != null) { var touches = e.changedTouches; if (touches.length) { xy[0] = touches[0].pageX - this.START_POS[0]; xy[1] = touches[0].pageY - this.START_POS[1]; } } this.START_POS = null; return xy; } function openMenu(btn) { addClass(btn,"close"); addClass(getById("navgrp"),"open"); document.body.style.overflow = "hidden"; } function closeMenu(btn) { removeClass(btn,"close"); removeClass(getById("navgrp"),"open"); document.body.style.overflow = ""; } function toggleMenu(btn) { (hasClass(btn,"close")? closeMenu : openMenu)(btn); } function toggleSide(btn) { toggleClass(btn,"close"); toggleClass(getById("side"),"open"); } function _navItem(e) { if (!e) e = window.event; var item = getSrcElement(e); do { if (item.tagName == "LI" && /\bm(\d+)\b/.test(item.className)) return item; item = getParentElement(item,"li"); } while (isElement(item)); } (function() { //Àü¿ª ¸Þ´º var gnb = getById("gnb"); if (!gnb) return; var bg = document.createElement("div"); getById("header").appendChild(bg); bg.className = "gnb_bg"; var on = function(e) { var item = _navItem(e); if (item) { addClass(item,"on"); addClass(gnb,"on"); addClass(bg,"on"); } }; var off = function() { var item; for (var i=0,n=gnb.children.length; i 50 && Math.abs(xy[0]) > Math.abs(xy[1]) * 2) closeMenu(btn); }; attachFunc(nav,"touchstart",touchStart); attachFunc(nav,"touchend",touchEnd); attachFunc(nav,"touchcancel",touchEnd); } } })(); (function(mp,cmd) { //Áö¿ª ¸Þ´º var lnb = getById("lnb"); if (!lnb || !mp) return; var mpArr = []; if (mp == "member") { //ȸ¿ø¿µ¿ª ¿¹¿Ü ó¸® if (IS_LOGIN) { if (cmd == "login" || cmd == "register" || cmd == "register_ok" || cmd == "") cmd = "mypage"; }else{ if (cmd == "mypage" || cmd == "info_change" || cmd == "user_del" || cmd == "") cmd = "login"; else if (cmd == "register_ok") cmd = "register"; } mpArr.push(mp); /* }else if (mp == "") { //±âŸ ¿¹¿Ü ó¸® */ }else if (mp.indexOf("_") != -1) { //ÀϹÝÀûÀÎ °èÃþ ±¸Á¶ mpArr = mp.split("_"); cmd = ""; }else{ mpArr.push(mp); } //ÇöÀç ¸Þ´º ¹ÝÀü(on) var a = lnb.getElementsByTagName("a"), ok = false; var on = function(e) { while (isElement(e)) { if (e.id == "lnb") break; if (e.tagName == "LI") addClass(e,"on"); e = e.parentNode; } ok = true; }; var reg, i, n = a.length; while (mpArr.length) { mp = mpArr.join("_"); if (mpArr.pop() != "") { if (mpArr.length) mpArr.push(""); reg = new RegExp("\\bmp="+mp+"\\b"); }else{ reg = new RegExp("\\bmp="+mp+"[a-z0-9]+\\b"); } for (i=0; i 0) { imgs[n].style.zIndex = (n == onImgN)? 110 : 100; } n = btns.length; while (n-- > 0) { btns[n].className = (n == onImgN)? 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